We optimize the choice of your life insurance and guide you towards a sustainable future.

Broker based in Luxembourg,
specialized in Life Insurance contracts.

Opta Broker

For more than 14 years, we have sought the best life and death insurance contracts matching the needs and requirements of a high net worth international clientele. We tailor-made solutions with the best insurance companies. We follow up and advise you throughout the course of the contract. We ensure its outcome in the best conditions. Our experience and network provide you with high quality services and attractive pricing.


Luxembourg commercial register number : B118630
Approval of the Commissariat aux Assurances number : 2019CM001

Protect your wealth

Luxembourg life insurance offers unparalleled guarantees in terms of protecting your savings.

Diversify your investments

Luxembourg life insurance contracts make it possible to build a resolutely tailor-made portfolio by investing in assets that are unavailable in most insurance contract under foreign rights.

Triangle of security

This regulation is unique in Europe and is based on the Triangle of Security consisting of reciprocal control of the parties through a tripartite deposit agreement between the insurance company, the custodian bank and the Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA).

Asset retention

The custody of the insurance contract’s underlying investments in a segregated account for each insurance policy with a depositary bank approved by the CAA ensures an absolute privilege of the subscriber over his assets and avoid any risks linked to a bankruptcy of the company (first rank «super privilege»)

Stay focused on your goals

Our life insurance solutions are dedicated to an international clientele interested in dynamic, innovative and rigorous management of their assets. In addition to Luxembourg, we provide services in France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Greece and Poland. We also offer solutions for residents of Russia and certain South American countries.

Contact us

Adresse :
74, route de Thionville
L-2610 Luxembourg
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
(uniquement sur rendez-vous)


+352 24 84 01 42



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Please note that, in order to ensure the processing of the mandates entrusted to us, Opta Courtage S.A. may be required to process your personal data, in particular, those that you have transmitted directly or indirectly, such as your surname, first name, address, profession, phone number, etc. We will only process this data to the extent necessary to fulfill our mandate. These data will only be passed on to other entities, for example, public authorities, if this is appropriate given the interests we provide. If the third party recipient was to be domiciled abroad, we would notify you of such transfer if the country in question would not benefit from an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission. Your personal data will be kept for a period which will not exceed 10 years, unless you exercise your right to erase personal data, exceptions in this respect being reserved, or if a longer period of storage is allowed or imposed under a legal or contractual obligation. You also have the right to access, rectify, port and erase your data or limit processing. You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of data concerning you. You may, provided the production of a valid proof of identity, exercise your rights by contacting info@optacourtage.com